Sunday, August 10, 2014

2 weeks left!

In 2 more weeks my baby will be going to daycare and I will be headed back to work. Bittersweet because I spent the entire summer with my Kart baby and now I have to go to seeing him for half a day. But he is getting to be such a big boy!
Today he decided to stand up. He has always tried and he would shake while attempting it, but today he did it more than once and did not fall at all. He can now reach the cords on the tv stand. It is getting harder and harder to keep this boy down! 

Heading back to work. I am in no way close to being ready for this year. I'm teaching a class that I have little to no experience with, and I have no idea how much/what I should teach them compared to how the book sees it. I am not ready!

I am getting better with my hair care but soon I may end up locking my hair. I always admired women with dreads but I was never sure if I could pull it off. I told myself I need to give myself a few months to play with my hair. To see if I get any better at it. If not, I'm going for the gold! Who knows, I may end up loving it!!!

What have I been spending most of this day doing??? Wedding planning. I'm trying to figure out what kind of budget and savings I need to have in order to have this wedding sooner rather than later. Hmm! I have a lot to think about.

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