Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fed Up!

I'm so tired of these stanking 30-day challenges!!! After a long day at work, I just don't have too much energy to do the challenges and take care of my babes. I don't even grade papers at home anymore. I just completely check out of school work when I'm home.

I am starting the habit of doing some of my squats at school so that when I come home, it's a smaller amount to do. But everything else needs to be done at home. It is currently 7:08pm and I gave myself until 8pm to do my challenge. I also wanted to get some cardio in! So at 8pm I will be hitting that Zumba and prepping for the scandal that is Scandal!\

Btw, I currently weigh 113.2 lbs. and I think I may even see a difference in my belly! My goal is to get to 108 lbs. I didn't really pick a date, so i'm going to go with May 2nd. That's the Friday before I head to Jamaica. 5 lbs to go people

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