Saturday, April 5, 2014

3 30-day Challenges??? Really!?!

Why yes. I am crazy enough to do 3 challenges at once and they all overlap. They have the same exercises so I am really going above the 30-day challenge criteria.

I am currently in the middle of completing the last exercises of my combined 3 challenges.
I am dead.
I hate squats!!! They just suck. They're hard. They're difficult.
I hate them!!

I still have 10 lunges and 35 more squats to do.
No big deal, right? Ummm yes it is!
I already did 90 squats, 10 lunges, 60 sit-ups, 102 crunches, 12 leg raises, 15 bridges and a 20 sec plank!

I am spent! Which is why I am currently on the floor taking a break. And it doesn't help that I have been out the house since 11:30am and it is currently 11pm. I probably got home around 9:35pm. I don't have the energy but I will NOT give up on this challenge. 

I recently began Day 1 of my 5k training. I ran outside and it was wonderful. I will continue to do this as the weather permits.

Although I did not get the results I wanted (or really see any results period!) from my first challenge I will keep going.
My goal is to not give up and keep up with exercising daily and eating healthy. 
Afterall I have lost about 4lbs. so I am clearly doing something.
I can even button my pants now! This above all is some serious progress.

And btw, Kelly Rowland is in my ears and her album bangs! Looovesss it!

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