Monday, March 24, 2014


I weighed in at 115 lbs. today! That is 3 lbs. less. since March 17th.
I lost 3 pounds!!! 
(It could quite possibly be what i'm wearing but I think if it's not 3lbs. it is something and that's good enough for me!)

This diet must really be working! This is so exciting. I'm the type of person that if I don't see any progress, I give up. But I see the light. It's at the end of the tunnel. And I am going to get there.

Some things that I stay constant with for my diet are:
  • No bread
  • No beef or pork
  • I stick to fish and if I need it, I can do chicken
  • Spinach leaves are de-lish!
  • Veggies and fruit are what I am starting to love
  • I only drink green tea and lemon water (if I crave it, I drink coffee but that has only been once)
I've been very good with my 30 day challenge and I am pumped to start April's challenges. It will overlap with the one I currently have but that is fine. Just need to make sure I get a chart or something to keep track.
April comes and I will be going hard.

Progress is a process and I am sooo glad i'm getting there :)

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