Saturday, March 8, 2014

And so it begins....

I am going through a lot of changes for the better this year.

  • New mom of my beautiful baby boy Karter Davion
  • Deciding to go natural with my hair [[no relaxer since Dec 2012 :) ]]
  • Getting a hot new body [[or close to it!]]
I guess these things will be the premise of this blog. A way for me to document and remember my journey to a {more me}.

New Mommy ::: My precious is going to be 3 months soon. I am completely obsessed with this dear little boy. Even his cries make my heart melt. That's my baby boy! And I oh so love him. He is currently crying in his

Natural Hair ::: Natural hair is hard! And I am transitioning so my hair is out of control!!!!
 But I plan to keep this up. I've tried a few styles and 98% of them turned out horrible. But I will continue to try.

Hot New Body ::: So today I started a 30-day ab and squat challenge. This after pregnancy body is no joke. I may have gotten "thicker in all the right places" (at least according to the boyfriend) but I can't fit into my clothes anymore! I went from a size 1 to at least a size 3. I'm not exactly sure because I refuse to buy new clothes.
But for this challenge...With the help of my boyfriend I got through 10 sit-ups, 10 crunches, and 25 squats. Those sit-ups were no joke. You may think it was nothing but mannnn....i'm kind of regretting starting this challenge..hahaha!
But I am determined. The lazy person in me doesn't want to do it. But inside I want to be fit and healthy. On top of the challenge, I will be on a sort of diet to help with progress.

So here it is....
Traci Lynn

Journeying to a {More Me}

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