Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Diets and Parties

I decided that I need to be on a diet so I need to eat healthier. More veggies and fruit, less sugar. I am very serious about this aside from all the people that want to tempt me. I do have girl scout cookies chilling and I crave chocolate. I just really want to lose some baby weight. I weighed myself on Monday and I was at about 118lbs.
Probably in 2 weeks i'll measure up again and see what changes I see. I'm also going to base it off of how well I can fit in my clothes (can I zip my pants or not..that is a serious question!)
I did have a student look at me today and start singing..."Miss Johnson got her body back. Miss Johnson got her body back."
-------------I'll take that as a confidence booster any day. Sometimes people can really tear you down and not even mean it...so it was nice to hear that from a kid that I just know in passing.

Bachelorette Party
This past weekend got to celebrate one of Kendra's last times as a single woman in the nasty Nati. Overall good and fun and unexpected weekend. We are def some bad women out here

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