Saturday, March 22, 2014

The {More Me} Fitness Journey

Sitting here thinking about what challenges and exercises I will do next starting April 1st.
I am loving these 30 day challenges. Finished day 15 of the ab and squat challenge
I am feeling might good. My abs felt it today. It definitely was not because of the reps because it was a small amount. Maybe it is due to the pace I put my self at. Completed it in under 15 minutes (and that was with me playing around watching this movie).

Now for next month, I was considering a lot of things but I think I finally settled on my plan. I would like to to do the 30 day ab challenge, 30 day butt challenge (Arty will appreciate that one!), and Zumba on the Wii. I checked out this gym today and considered going but i'm like why? All the tools that I need can be found at home. I don't want to pay that extra money. And these 30 day challenges look fun.

So I guess I found my recipe for disaster success. Pictures of my current challenge midway "results" coming soon!

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